In a recent survey, we invited you to share your own professional priorities for 2015, identifying areas needing attention to develop your leadership in the months ahead.
Topping the list for participants are 4 key topics:
- Articulating the vision of who I can be as a leader – knowing where I am heading
- Strengthening my network of allies and contacts
- Developing executive presence (listen to our free call on executive presence: link)
- Influencing others
How do your professional priorities compare to these? If you haven’t completed the survey, follow this link then come back here to see what else we found.
We found interesting differences depending upon whether you consider yourself a leader in all areas of your work, or if you are a leader in only some areas.
Those with more leadership responsibility (consider themselves leaders in all areas of their work):
- Are focusing on developing the skills of influencing and inspiring others in 2015.
- They are also more inclined to prioritize finding a sponsor to support their development.
Those with less leadership responsibility (leading in some areas of their work but not all):
- Are twice as likely to need to focus on tackling tough conversations.
- And are more focused on building confidence regarding the next steps.
Changes in roles can prompt a review of priorities and new skills to develop. One person acknowledged that she had “always been a successful, confident leader, but with job and role changes, I have become less influential with peers.” Another person added that a priority for him in 2015 is the art of balancing strategic perspective with implementation: “I want to continue to lead and mentor with attention on both an overall strategic vision and tactical excellence.”
Join Us at the upcoming Leadership Development Forum
Whatever your priority, join us for our next Leadership Development Forum, a 4 month program starting mid-February, focused exclusively on your leadership priorities and intentions for 2015. This is a great way to stay focused on what really matters to you this year in addressing your own professional development. Or call us to discuss creating a forum within your company.