As we approach this Thanksgiving holiday, let us recognize the impact a grateful positive leader can have on their team, their organization, their community. While many things do go wrong in today’s business world, there are alot of things that actually go incrediby well. This mindset can take practice and intention.
“A group becomes a team when each member is sure enough of himself and his contribution to praise the skill of the others.”
~Norman Hidle~

Which style of leader are you? The type that catches people doing something right or the type that finds something wrong with everything? High functioning teams are influenced by the style, tone and direction of their senior team leader. What kind of culture are you creating? Do others want to work for you?
As the team leader, find time this week to think about each of your direct reports, what do they do really well? What did they accomplish these last few weeks/months? Jot down 3 things you want to tell them you’re grateful for upon their return from the holiday.
If you are a member of the team and you have a boss you would love to show appreciation for, find time to jot down 3 things you believe your boss does really well. Often, the team leader may not know the impact he/she is having on others. Take the time to show you care!
Happy Thanksgiving! We would love to hear the results!